Nichols Expert School

For the Young Graduate to know beyond question that a young man or young woman will be prepared to earn a competent livelihood after leaving a business school is the all important thing to be considered in selecting a school. The Nichols Expert School of St. Paul, Minnesota, is an institution of high standard, conducted by expert court reporters and accountants; positively guarantees employment 19 at a salary in excess of forty dollars per month at the start; pays railroad fare 200 miles. Ask any prominent business man or banker in St Paul if it carries out its contracts. Catalog on request.


The handsomest business and shorthand school on the continent. This office is an artistic gem. The oak-beamed ceiling, paneled oak and tapestry side-walls, waxed floors and oriental rugs, are very beautiful. The grandfather clock, Tiffany set, silver loving cup, Morris chair and Remington Visible  Typewriter were presents to Mr. Nichols from his students. He built his office and had the furniture specially made to match the clock. The entire school is furnished in a correspondingly elaborate style.

The quarters of the Nichols Expert School occupying, the entire third floor of the Essex building, 26 East-Sixth. street, St. Paul are among the handsomest occupied by any business schools on the continent.This school was established in 1899 by Malcolm E. Nichols, at that time was a member of the official court reporters staff of the district court of Minnesota. The success of the school was such that Mr. Nichols subsequently resigned his position as court reporter and devoted himself to making the Nichols Expert School one of the strongest educational institutions in the northwest. In furtherance of this plan Mr. Nichols surrounded. himself, with an efficient corps pf instructors.

What’s the good of keeping from him
Any good things you may see,
That will lift his load of labor
Like Rocky Mountain Tea.
—A. J. Young.