The Home Company

Few institutions have accomplished greater results for individual citizens as well as the city and state as a whole, than the Northwestern National Life Insurance Company of Minneapolis—The Home Company. Backed by men whose names are written large in the history of Minneapolis, the Northwestern National has achieved a national reputation as one of the sound institutions founded on principles that assure future greatness. Facts and figures are convincing. hey tell a story of growth on merit. According to the company’s financial statement at the close of business December 31, 1916. it had $42,190,750 of insurance in force. At the close of business in 1911 this figure was but $26,951,569. It has nearly doubled in five years.

To thinking business men of Minneapolis the name and achievements of the Northwestern National are significant. It is distinctly a western company. insuring the lives of western people and loaning and investing its funds exclusively in the territory in which it operates. lt is strongest where it is best known and has the unqualified approval and endorsement of its home city, 2,200 leading business men of Minneapolis carrying policies in the company for $6,500.000, while more than 10,000 Minnesota policyholders are represented. It is purely a mutual, old line, annual dividend paying company, conducted solely in the interests of its policyholders, having no stockholders to absorb any part of its earnings. Its management is in Northwest, men whose ability and integrity have won for them national reputation.

Northwestern policies include all that is best in life insurance—-definite agreements, free from restrictions, containing no element of uncertainty and requiring an annual accounting to policy-holders. It ranks nigh in the amount of its reserves in proportion to insurance in force, low mortality, high rate of interest earned and low net cost of insurance. The management believes that the business of a mutual life insurance company should be the payment of the largest possible benefits to its policyholders. Its supreme aim is to furnish sound protection at the owe at possible cost and it has gained its goal in this respect.Over three and a half millions of dollars have been invested in farm mortgage loans on laud in the choicest farming sections of the Northwest. The appraised value of this property is $11,962,783. Aside from the sound protection these investments give policyholders, the loaning of this vast sum is aiding in the development of the district. Farmers are enabled to increase the scope of their activities. Figures show that total assets are $5,303,801.64, if it were possible to estimate the value of public confidence the Northwestern’s assets would be increased by countless millions. The sum of $313,672 has been apportioned in dividends to policyholders for the year 1917.

Young men of Minneapolis, young women. as well as fathers and mothers, owe it to themselves to learn more regarding opportunities offered by this company. The interested person finds a willing response at Northwestern headquarters in the beautiful Northwestern Building at Eleventh and Nicollet.

-Minneapolis Golden Jubilee, 1867-1917 :
A history of fifty years of civic and commercial progress …