Better in Bryn Mawr

Institution in One of the Beautiful Suburbs Where There Are Said to Be No Unruly Children.

Bryn Mawr is one of the most beautiful suburbs of Minneapolis and the Bryn Mawr School is exceptionally fortunate in its situation. The largest number of pupils enrolled has been thirty-seven and as there are but three classes and these well graded, Mrs. Hixon is able not only to do the class work, but to give the pupils the individual attention many children need.

The beauty of the scenery of Bryn Mawr seems to inspire the children in their drawing and coloring of landscape and they excel in nature work. Of course, amid such surroundings, they learn much natural history unconsciously and are rather in advance of their years in their knowledge of the names of birds, flowers and insects. Mrs. Blanche Hlxon says every child in the Bryn Mawr school made a basket last year. As the teacher, herself. loves the work, the pupils catch the enthusiasm. The neighborhood was so pleased with the progress of the children in weaving and basketry that there is no lack of material for this constructive work.

There are really no unruly children In Bryn Mawr. so no time is lost in maintaining discipline. hence the amount of work accomplished. A piano is needed and Mrs. Hixon hints that the use of a second-hand instrument would be appreciated. Mrs. Hixon was educated In the public schools of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin. Such success as she may have achieved she attributes to her love for children and for the work of teaching them. She has been in charge of Bryn Mawr four years.