The Man in the Water

Watson Guile, 306 West Forty-fifth street, was swimming in Lake Calhoun. near Minneapolis last summer and noticed a husband and wife. who had a baby with them. The couple was taking pictures on the shore. When Guile left the water, the family had gone. However, the wife had left behind a plastic bag that contained S20, a S2 bill and a checkbook on a Chokio, Minn. bank. There was no way identifying the owner, so Guile sent the bag to the Chokio bank. A few days later, Guile read an advertisement for the lost bag in a Minneapolis paper. He answered the ad with the information he had sent the bag to the Chokio bank. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wade of Chokio called him to express thanks and offer a reward. “No reward is necessary,” Guile told them. A short time afterwards, Guile received a package from the Wades that contained a handsome ceramic ash tray. It also contained a photograph of Mrs. Wade that had been take on the she wrote: “I presume the man in the water is you.” Sure enough, Guile has a good picture of himself in the water
at Calhoun lake.

Kansas City Times- December 4th, 1954