Saint Paul Central

Ivy Clad
Standing tall and beautiful in the twilight hush
is Central, dear Old school. with whom parting,
we feel, is impossible. Though we may leave
our high school through graduation, never can
we forget it in Our innermost hearts, nor can
its inviting nooks and shady corners ever be—
come dimmed in our memory.

When age has blurred Our sight and snowed
our hair, when thoughts Of old Central come
back to us, and we see the gold of the evening
sun caressing its towering top. the massive
stateliness of the ivy clad walls casting dark
shadows on the campus, we can never forget
Our Old school.

Dear old Central, beloved ivy clad, we must go
from you, But there is no power On earth which
blot out beautiful memories.

-The Central High School Cehisean, 1926