The Heroes Hospital

This week of dual import for the northwest’s veterans of war is at its climax today with the formal ceremonies in dedication of the great modern government hospital at Fort Snelling where will lie for healing scores of those youths who, with a laugh and sometimes a prayer, enlisted just one decade ago.

Ten thousand veterans, one thousand of them visitors in the Twin Cities, are participating in the services and attending various unit meetings. They find it appropriate that this week, marking the tenth anniversary of the occasion when the United States was drawn into that maelstrom of destruction called war, was chosen for dedication of the hospital. Three national commanders of three great organizations which did not exist 10 years ago, the American Legion, Disabled Amercan Veterans of the World War, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars are met today for the first time at the same services and they are the guests of honor at various meetings of their organizations.

These commanders and other representatives of the war veterans see in the dedication of the hospital the realization of one of their most cherished projects. It has been their ideal that such hospitals should be provided by the government for disabled veterans, and today they find in the dedication of this great Ft. Snelling institution a concrete illustration of a government that is keeping faith with those who entered the military service ten years ago. To these veterans and to the personnel of the new veterans’ hospital the following Minneapolis individuals and business establishments extend a hearty welcome.

Minneapolis Star Announcement- April 9th, 1927