On Shady Island

Lake Minnetonka, the Eden and most charming spot of all at Minnetonka. Its beauties are known all over this terrestrial sphere. Consists of 40 acres, 30 acres natural park, a dreamland, covered with massive maple, basswood, elm, oak; 10 acres under a high state of cultivation in currants, grapes, strawberries, vegetables. No place in state can compare for fruit raising. Buildings worth $5,000— consisting of large hotel and cottages. To witness a sunset at Shady Island is like one of those grand sunset scenes in far off Switzerland, where the sun is like a solid molten mass, seeming stationary and weary in the west, after its day’s journey through the heavens, as if stuck in a patch of Spaulding’s glue. And the puffs from the hundreds of steam launches and the ripple of the waves makes the scene enchanting.

For a man of means its a paradise for a home, or can be divided and sold to great advantage to party of four, and to the speculator there is wealth beyond dreams. Can be platted into 160 quarter-acre lots, large portion water fronts, and everyone sold at an average of S400.00 per lot— $64,000.00. Mr. Thomas Lowry has 1000 men at work now building new trolley line, which will run but a short distance of this far-famed island. Tonka’s home of the “Nimrod”. Just think of it! $13,000.00 buys the property on easy terms. Positively the best real estate deal ever offered in the Gopher State. About the same as stealing the property. Call, write or wire

E. F. LAMBERT, 1023 Guaranty Building.
Real Estate Bought and Sold, Mortgage Loans.
Minneapolis, Minn.

As Advertised in;
Souvenir and Story of the Most Popular Summer Resort in the Northwest
  Lake Minnetonka
An outline of its Natural Beauty and Manifold Attractions
Published by S. E. ELLIS, Excursion Agt., Lake Minnetonka Transportation Co.,
Hotel Nicollet, Minneapolis, Minn.