Monkey Island

By ‘Blue Laws’
I was just over to St. Paul and saw the new Monkey Island in Como Park built by Park Commissioner Clyde May and as the tablet of dedication says “under his administration.” Our city fathers have overlooked a sterling memorial to themselves. Whv does not our worthy mayor build a monkey island in Loring Park and thereon place the following tablet to read when you get tired looking at the monkeys: “Built in the administration of William A. Anderson. Please do not teach the monkeys to chew,smoke or drink.” Of course, a monkey island in Minneapolis would require an annual appropriation to provide pants for the monkeys. This could be arranged for out of the mayor’s annual contingent fund.

The Minneapolis Star
June 2nd, 1932

Monkey Island was built in 1932, followed by the bear grottos, and Como Park’s Main Zoological building in 1936. For many years the moat around the island was used as a pool for seals and alligators. In 1982 Monkey Island was converted Seal Island.