Second Largest Auditorium

In a nation noted for the number and the size of its auditoriums, Minneapolis today boasts the second largest completed auditorium in the United States. Minneapolis’ new civic center has a seating capacity of 10,545. The Cleveland auditorium, the largest completed structure of its kind in point of seating capacity, seats 11,200. A new auditorium being constructed at Atlantic City, which is a leading convention center, will contain more seats than either tile Cleveland or Minneapolis auditoriums, it is said.

The St. Paul auditorium, which hitherto has been the scene of many of the largest conventions in the Northwest, has a seating capacity of 7,500. Other large auditoriums include: Milwaukee, seating capacity, 8,500; Oakland, Cal., 7,500; and Denver, 9,000. Some idea of the great size of the arena of the Minneapolis auditorium may be grasped by comparing the seating capacity with that of some of the Minneapolis theaters. The Hennepin-Orpheum, one of the largest theaters in the middle west, has a seating capacity of 3,000, as compared with the auditorium’s 10,545 seats. The Lyceum, another large theater, seats 2,300.

-Minneapolis Daily Star, 1927