The Rainbow Cafe

Located in the heart of Minneapolis’ Chain of Lakes District, the Rainbow was opened in 1919, and it has been operated ever since by the Legeros’ and their fine staff, some of whom have been with the restaurant for over 25 years. Originally the Rainbow was as large as the present Coffee Shop. It has grown to a present seating capacity of 300 in a five dining room area: the Coffee Shop, the Rainbow Room, the Moccasin Room, the Marine Room, and the Gallery. Since the restaurant is open from 7:00 A. M. to 2:30 A. M., seven days a week, a staff of 100 employees is required to serve an average of 750,000 guests a year. The late hour of closing makes the Rainbow a gathering place for “after theatre” and dance groups. For large parties the Marine Room is made available as a Private Dining Room accommodating up to 60 persons comfortably. In 1949 the Rainbow began to sponsor exhibits of local and contemporary art. Every month a new show is scheduled, and most art objects displayed (painting and sculpture) are listed for sale by the artists exhibiting.

-Rainbow Cafe Menu, 1953