The Mighty Terrace Exhibit!

Revisit America’s Finest Theatre!
Upstairs Gallery of the Hennepin History Museum
Exhibition Dates: February 5, 2020 – August 9, 2020

When the Terrace opened in Robbinsdale in 1951 it was called “America’s Finest Theatre.” The claim wasn’t just hype; early patrons of the cinema would assure you that it was one of our nation’s finest. The Terrace was a beloved movie house and architectural gem for half a century before it was demolished. America’s Finest Theater: The Terrace presents its history, the fight to save it, and efforts to preserve its legacy. This exhibit includes information about the Terrace’s owners, William and Sidney Volk, and its designers, Liebenberg and Kaplan. It will also display numerous historic photographs and two of the original Terrace marquee letters that will be relit for special occasions.

America’s Finest Theater was curated in collaboration with David Leonhardt, America’s Classic Cinemas, and Robbinsdale Historical Society.  The postcard and the matchbook in the image at the top of this post are from Jeff Vick’s collection

Find your way there!

The Hennepin History is located at 2303 Third Avenue South in Minneapolis near the Art Institute.

The Cover of Box Office Magazine August 4th, 1951

Visitors may park in the Hennepin History Museum lot adjoining the museum or on street parking throughout the neighborhood. Please obey posted signs.