Do it at Dayton’s

“We are ready to equip you and your home” has become more than a slogan at this twentieth century department store. Step into the store in the heart of the city. You will be immediately struck with systematic methods in vogue. There is no confusion. There’s a gladsome smile on every face and a satisfied expression on the countenance of every purchaser. Courtesy and kindliness are Dayton watchwords. From the basement to the tea rooms on the fourth floor the store is complete. Garments for all the family are divided into departments on the second and third floors while the main floor is devoted to the display-of dry goods and all the little things that appeal to the better sensibilities of the lady shopper. Whether it be gloves, corsets, millinery, jewelry, silverware, cut glass, silks, ribbons, footwear—and the countless articles that round out feminine happiness—Minneapolis shoppers have learned that they will be best served at Dayton’s. It’s pleasant to shop there because there’s lots of fresh air and sunshine.

-Minneapolis golden jubilee, 1867-1917
A History of Fifty Years of Civic and Commercial Progress