The Minnetonka Electric Line

The season at Lake Minnetonka, meaning by that when the full electric train service from the Twin Cities, as well as the express boat service is in effect, begins May 15 and ends September 30. Every day is a good day to visit the lake, and there is always something going on to entertain and please the tourist.

From St. Paul take a “Selby- Lake” car and transfer to train for Lake Minnetonka at Hennepin avenue, Minneapolis, or take a “Como- Harriet,” “Como-Hopkins,” “Minneapolis-St. Paul,” or “Snelling-Minnehaha” car and transfer to train for Lake Minnetonka at 6th street, Minneapolis. Fare, each way, 30 cents, or 25 cents with transfer from any St. Paul local line.

The City of St. Paul and vicinity
 A Compendium of Information
Published by Geo. F. C. Paul